Broadcast Five - Discrimination & Bullying
Is there really such a thing as vegaphobia?
Why does veganism upset some people?
Do vegans have any protection in law?
This week we answer these questions & more
An Australian documentary which used drones & undercover footage to expose the truth behind farms, slaughterhouses, animal testing & other forms of animal exploitation.
TRIGGER WARNING - the film is very upsetting viewer discretion is advised.
Humane Education
A bonus broadcast for listeners who have already begun their vegan journey or are looking ahead.
We look at humane education & how we can support our children & their educators.
We talk about curriculum, dissection, field trips, animal testing, companion animals in the classroom & much more.
Broadcast Four - Nutrition & Shopping Pt2
We remember some nutrition basics from last week & give you our verdict on some more off the shelf vegan products.
Michelle catches up with Matt from The Vegan Society. They talk about food, eating out, speciesism, cruelty free living in the home, the vegan trademark, farmers transitioning to plant based business models for us & more
Broadcast Four - Nutrition & Shopping Pt1
This week we take a look at nutrition. Where do vegans get Iron & B12 from? Where can we find calcium & protein when we want to avoid animal products?
We take some off the shelf vegan products for a test drive & give you our feedback.
Michelle talks to an ex meat eater about the trigger that placed him on his vegan journey.
Broadcast Three The Environment
Dog Desk Project Vegan looks at the impacts our lifestyle choices have on the environment.
Does what we put on our plate really contribute to greenhouse gas emissions?
Are we really losing valuable biodiversity to animal agriculture?
How can our shopping create pollution in the sea?
Guest appearances from IFAW’s Patrick Ramage, Born Free Claudio Sillero, Dominic Dyer ex CEO Badgers Trust, Ashleigh Leiman The Orangutan Foundation
Broadcast Two - Animal Suffering
Dog Desk Project Vegan broadcast two looks at animal suffering & exploitation
Why is it that we acknowledge the suffering of dogs, cats, horses & other animals but fail to acknowledge the suffering of animals born for the sole purpose of dying for our plates.
We look at other forms of animal exploitation such as fur, kangaroo & bile farming. Shark finning & the lion trade.
Guest appearances from Jill Robinson - Animals Asia, Claire Bass - Humane Society, Greg Keightley - Kangaroos Alive, Anton Leach & Richard Peirce - Lions, Bones & Bulletts, Meredith Whitney - IFAW & Liz Ward Sing & Brendon Sing - Shark Guardian
A series of broadcasts supported by VegFund which look at vegan life. Aimed at non vegans who are considering pursuing a plant based lifestyle the series looks at animal suffering, environmental impacts, nutrition, shopping, recipies & bullying.
Through a mixture of story telling, guests & facts & figures we aim to encourage you to take your first steps on a journey which does no harm to other animals taking only what you need from our planet.
Broadcast One - Introduction