Dee Bonett pays tribute to her hun John Chadwick on the anniversary of his passing.
A man much loved by so many, John had experienced homelessness, addiction & mental health struggles.
He battled through it all & settled in Maidstone Kent with his little family Theo, Tinkerbell & Gizmo
But tragedy struck when John had to move & was separated from his little family due to a no pets policy
Ten days after that separation, John ended his life.
Dee has been working for change in John’s memory since she lost her beloved friend, her hun.
And has made steady, solid progress to improve outcomes for others who find themselves faced with the impossible & cruel situation that John found himself in.
Nobody should ever be forced to choose between their family & a roof over their heads.
Dee tells John’s story in this video, she talks about the changes she has made in his memory & shares her hopes for the future.
She speaks with an ever present love for a man she was proud to call her friend.
A man she misses every day, a man she was so glad that she met, a man that touched her life.
Northumbria University Tell John’s Story In Animal Law Module
Access Dr Debbie Rook’s article
Rook.D (2018) ‘For the Love of Darcie: Recognising the human-companion animal relationship in housing law & policy’ here
Give Up Your Pets or Your Home? In Loving Memory Of John Chadwick
Please follow the link here to a petition Dee Bonett began to Helen Grant MP
“Faced with giving up your Pets to have a home OR remain Homeless?” It’s NO Choice At All…..
My very best friend, my Hun John Chadwick, became unintentionally homeless. Unable to take his Pets to Emergency Accommodation, and later, to Permanent Accommodation offered by the Council, he died by Suicide on 16th March 2017. This was 10 days after being separated from his “furbabies”, who enabled his well-being.
The introduction of Assistance and Service Dogs have proven invaluable for those with specific health needs. Pets are also known to provide Therapeutic benefits, giving the sense of purpose to carry on.
Pets further enhance, Mental and Physical Well-being, those facing Isolation and Addiction Issues and are invaluable Companions for those who are Street Homeless.
The link below dedicated to my Hun, provides an insight of Homeless People and their unconditional bonding with their “furbabies”, written by Daniel McDonald from Tampa, Florida.
The inspiring and moving Homeless Research, written by Miss Amy Varle, is now with 10 Downing Street. There is a dedication P91, to my Hun and those who have lost lives.
So lets stand together to prevent further deaths, such as my Huns and those who have sadly lost their lives on the streets. Petition for change to current Housing Requirements, particularly for those deemed as Vulnerable, Alone or Homeless. Enable provision of Housing with Pets.
A Positive Pet Policy approach within Housing, would further reduce the impact on Public Services by those seeking treatment, by enabling Physical and Emotional Well-being. Introduction of Person-Centred Housing based on individual need, as no one box fits all.
Furthermore, by adopting such an approach, Animal Rescue Shelters would benefit, seeing a reduction in Pets needing to be rehomed. Currently there is a lack of suitable Accommodation and Tenancies available accepting Pets, within Social Housing and the Private Sector.
I realise there is no miracle around the corner, but if my Huns story can save a life and become part of a much needed change, then will continue keeping his memory alive.
My Huns life had meaning, his “furbabies” were his everything, they deserved so much more….
Please also remember you are never alone, its OK to say you are not OK. Check in on your friends, neighbours & family members.
Emerging Proud Through Suicide:
#KeepTalkingMH #MaleSuicide
** Please see update section for all outcomes achieved **
Much Love to you all, Dee xxx
John’s Story In The Media
October 2020 - Representation in Parliament, by Andrew Rosindell MP:
Victory 25th August 2020:
BBC South East Broadcast August 2020:
New Pet Policy July 2018:
BBC South East Broadcast June 2018:
Dee Shares John’s story With BBC Radio Kent
Audio Credit Dee Bonett C/O BBC Radio Kent